Need to raise money for your school, church group, team or other non-profit organization?
A Benefit Night at Papa Fresco's is the answer. We encourage you to make Papa Fresco's your destination for the evening, by bringing people together to relax, eat and socialize while supporting a good cause.
How does a Benefit Night work?
Choose a day to hold your event, any Monday through Thursday. A Papa Fresco's representative will provide you with a flyer to copy and distribute, and will work closely with you to help make your Benefit Night a success. During your Benefit Night, customers present the flyer, and a percentage of the sales generated by your group will be donated to the organization.
What do I need to do?
Head to the contact page and send us a request for a benefit. A Papa Fresco's representative will contact you. After approval, spreading the word will be your main focus. The day of your event, you can have a representative of your group on-site to collect the flyers, or we can handle that part as well.
What's the timeframe from start to finish?
Please give us at least three week's notice when requesting a date. This will give you ample time to promote your event, and us the time required to properly plan for you. Following your event you can expect to receive our donation check within a week.
Benefit Night Rules:
Guests must have a valid Benefit Night voucher in order to have the sale counted.

Organization members cannot distribute flyers or display posters on premises of Papa Fresco's. This must be communicated by the organization to all persons distributing flyers.

You must receive approval from ANY private property owner if you wish to distribute flyers or display poster on premises (i.e. placing flyers on cars, handing out at shopping centers, mailboxes, etc.). The organization will be responsible for paying any littering or postal fines if this rule is violated.

Inform Papa Fresco's of the approximate number of flyers distributed at least one week prior to the event.

Organizations are not permitted to display or distribute any signage, pamphlets or other propaganda for the organization's scheduled fundraiser on premises of Papa Fresco's.
Lost your flyer? Here's a PDF you can print from home.